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Web Development

Using HTML, CSS and Javascript to create accessible performant and reliable websites. Leveraging tools like WordPress and 11ty.

Having a good understanding of frontend development helps when it comes to design. I have experience building websites I have designed and coding designs others have provided.

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Fully Responsive

Modern websites are required to be fully responsive, working well on all devices from mobile phones to large desktop monitors. With so many variations in screen size these days a fluid approach to the design and layout of your digital products is essential from design to delivery.


The web is for everyone. People of all abilities should be able to access the content we create online. Therefore accessibility is a requirement and not an afterthought.

From basics like image alt tags right through to colour contrast and font choices the sites I design and build always have accessibility in mind.


Modern internet speeds can make you think we no longer need to worry about large file sizes but performance matters more than just the page load time. Search engines and users expect blazing fast delivery of information and if you don't deliver they will leave.

Performant websites give a better user experience, rank better and therefore perform better for businesses and users.

Domain & Hosting Support

Getting the right domain and a hosting package that fulfils your needs can sometimes seem complicated. I can help you get the setup you need to create the best online experience possible. Guiding you through the industry jargon.

SEO Guidance

SEO is an in-depth area and I don't pretend to be an SEO expert. That said quite a few of the SEO basics will get you great results and are always worth following before you think about expert advice. I can help you get the basics dialled in on your site.

Content Management Systems - CMS

Having access to add and edit your site content is very appealing to all businesses. WordPress is a very powerful CMS tool that I have lots of experience using.

Extra Support

As and when the needs of a site build become more development focused and bespoke. Backend developers or full-stack coding skills might be needed. I don't claim to be a backend coder and if needed I have several development contacts I call upon to support where needed.

Please get in contact to find out more about the services I offer and how I can help your business. I'm always happy to arrange a call or meeting to discuss an upcoming project.

Contact me to find out more